Mystical Hotels

Mystical and Horrible Hotels of the World

The world is full of mysterious and mystical places where reality mixes with myths and legends. Among them, a special place is occupied by hotels that are rumored to be haunted and where unexplained phenomena occur.

Stanley Hotel, Colorado, USA

The Stanley Hotel, located in the Colorado Mountains, gained worldwide fame thanks to the writer Stephen King, who spent the night here and was inspired to create the novel “The Shining.” The hotel is famous for its ghosts, especially on the fourth floor. Guests often hear footsteps, whispers, and music coming from empty rooms. Some claim to have seen the figure of a ghost girl or heard children laughing in the corridors.

Banff Springs Hotel, Alberta, Canada

This luxurious hotel with a rich history is also known as the “Scottish Castle in the Heart of the Rockies.” But behind its beautiful facades lie dark secrets. Legend has it that in one of the rooms a bride died under tragic circumstances, and now her ghost wanders the halls in her wedding dress. There is also a ghost bellhop who often appears here, helping guests find their way.

Fairmont Hotel, Vancouver, Canada

The Fairmont Hotel in Vancouver is another place with a mystical reputation. The hotel is famous for the ghost of its former owner, who is rumored to haunt the hotel after his death. The ghost of “Old Benjamin” is often seen on the 14th floor. Visitors report strange sounds, sudden changes in temperature, and unexplained phenomena in the rooms.

5 Most Mystical and Creepy Hotels in the World

Dragsholm Castle, Denmark

This ancient castle turned hotel has witnessed many historical events and dramatic incidents. The most famous ghost of the castle is considered to be the “White Lady”, which has been seen by numerous guests and staff. Legend has it that this is the spirit of a girl imprisoned within the walls of the castle for her love for a commoner. Guests often report cold touches and strange sounds.

Parador de Jaén, Spain

This hotel, located in an ancient castle, also has a rich history and a mystical atmosphere. Screams are often heard here and ghosts are seen. The “Knight in Armor” is especially famous, who is rumored to live in this place. Guests often have strange visions, and employees talk about inexplicable phenomena occurring in the rooms and corridors.

Each of these hotels attracts not only lovers of mysticism, but also those who want to feel the touch of history and the mysteries of the past. If you decide to go on such a trip, be prepared for unexpected encounters and strange sounds that can make even the bravest guests tremble.